Mold Testing and Inspections
Mold Testing and Inspections
If you have indoor air quality concerns, whether mold, formaldehyde, or other pollutant, look no further than Noah Inspection Services. Noah Inspection Services is an environmental testing and consulting company specializing in indoor air quality assessments. We can test your home or office for mold, bacteria, chemicals, allergens, and hazardous materials, such as lead. Our state of the art equipment, which includes laser particle counters, air sampling equipment, and bioluminescence equipment, allow us to diagnose almost any indoor air quality concern that may exist at your home or business. We can identify leak sources, using thermal imagery and moisture meters, providing the results in a report format, along with the results from any air quality testing conducted, as well solutions to correct the problem(s). Odors (VOCs) dependent on source, can be dangerous to human health, and in some cases also the environment. The odor associated with mold, also known as a micro volatile organic compound (MVOC), has been known to cause discomfort to humans and animals, and is typically an indication of microbial activity, i.e. mold growing somewhere in your home or office. So if you’re concerned about a potential air quality problem, give us a call today!
We also offer medical grade HEPA air purification systems for sale, that can be used to improve the air quality inside your home or office. These are used to improve a wide range of health problems affected by indoor air quality such as mold and fungi allergies, pet odor and pet dander allergies, COPD, severe allergies, asthma, chemical sensitivities, chronic illnesses, and sleep related issues. We also offer systems that can be used to filtrate chemicals, gases, VOCs, MVOC’s, and everyday indoor air pollution. Give us a call today if you’re interested in learning more about our air purification systems for sale.
Our services for indoor air quality include:
- Air sampling
- Bulk sampling
- Surface sampling
- Bioluminescence testing (ATP)
- Laser particle counter assessment
- Thermal imagery assessment
- Leak detection
- Limited initial (protocol) water/mold damage assessment
- Full initial (protocol) water/mold damage assessment
- Limited post (clearance) water/mold damage assessment
- Full post (clearance) water/mold damage assessment
Interesting and useful things to know about mold:
- Mold is regulated in Florida by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation
- In the State of Florida, it is against the law for the same company to conduct a mold assessment and to perform mold remediation on the same project.
- The oldest documented mold/fungi protocol is in the Old Testament of the Bible in the book of Leviticus.
- Mold can grow in a home or office when the relative humidity is greater than 60%.
- The first government document that related to mold was written by the New York City Department of Health in 1993 and was named Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments.
- The first government document that related to mold in commercial buildings and schools was written by the EPA in 2001 and was named Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings